
Saltwater Stock List 11/27/2024 SALE FRI & SAT!

Nov 27th 2024

FRIDAY 11/29: 20% off all Livestock*
SATURDAY 11/30: 15% off all Livestock*
*sale excludes the large Achilles Tang


Anemone Green Bubbletip $60
Anemone Rainbow Bubbletip $60
Anemone Sebae $40
Angel Coral Beauty $60
Angel Multibar $200
Angel Wantanabe PAIR $500 (male $350, female $200) $500
Anthias Barlett Anthias $90
Anthias Bimac female $100
Anthias Lyretail male $80
Anthias Lyretail Tonga female XL (6 available) $65
Anthias Pictilis male $250
Anthias Square Back Anthias female $75
Basslet Yellow Assessor Basslet $100
Blenny Canary Yellow large $50
Blenny Lawnmower $35
Blue Green Chromis $20
Clownfish Bicinctus Pearl Eye Clown $35
Clownfish Black DaVinci $75
Clownfish Black Snowflake large $80
Clownfish Darwin Longfin bonded PAIR $275
Clownfish Fancy Longfin bonded PAIR $175
Clownfish Mai Tai Clownfish $20
Clownfish Mocha Storm $100
Clownfish Mochacinno Nearly Naked $40
Clownfish Ocellaris Clownfish small $25
Clownfish Orange Storm $100
Clownfish Snow Onyx $40
Clownfish Snow storms PAIR $140
Crab Emerald Crab $12
Crab Pom Pom $15
Eel Snowflake small $60
Feather Duster $40
Fighting Conch large $25
Goby Aurora Shrimp Goby $35
Goby Bella Sleeper $90
Goby Engineer Goby $20
Goby Psychadellic Mandarin Goby $40
Goby Spotted Mandarin Dragonette $35
Goby Yellow Citron XL $45
Hawkfish Flame Hawk $70
Hermit Blue Leg Hermit $3
Hermit Red Leg Hermit $3
Hermit Scarlet Reef Hermit $5
Jawfish Blue Spotted $150
Jawfish Pearly Jawfish $50
Lionfish Volitan Lionfish $150
Morish Idol $90
Puffer Dog Face medium $80
Shrimp Candy Cane Pistol $30
Shrimp Coral Banded $25
Shrimp Fire Shrimp $50
Shrimp Japanese $60
Shrimp Tiger Pistol Shrimp $30
Snail Astrea Turbo Snail $3
Snail Banded Trochus $6
Snail Bumble Bee Snail $3
Snail Margarita Snail $3
Snail Mexican Turbo Snail $6
Snail Nassarius Snail $4
Snail Trochus Snail $6
Snail Zebra Turbo Snail $6
Starfish Chocolate Chip $15
Starfish Sand Sifting Starfish $25
Tang Achilles large* this fish is NOT included in the discount sale $500
Tang Achilles med $450
Tang Blue Hippo Tang small $90
Tang Desjardini Sailfin small/med $90
Tang Flame Fin Tomini medium $80
Tang Lavendar large $80
Tang White Tail Bristletooth Tang $200
Trigger Blue Throat Female $100
Trigger Niger Red Tooth Trigger $60
Trigger Pink Tail Trigger $150
Trigger Titan Trigger $110
Urchin Pincushion urchin $35
Wrasse Christmas $60
Wrasse Leopard male large $80
Wrasse Longfin Fairy $50
Wrasse Melanurus Wrasse $50
Wrasse Pintail Fairy Wrasse $75
Wrasse Queen Corris showsize $400
Wrasse Royal Pencil (severns) male $80
Wrasse Solar Fairy Wrasse $60
Wrasse Yellow Coris $60
Wrasse Yellow Tail Cleaner Wrasse $50