
Saltwater Stock List 11/24/2023

Nov 24th 2023

Angel Bicolor
Angel Coral Beauty small
Angel Swallowtail female (reef safe)
Angelfish Passer
Anthias Barbonius Blotchy
Anthias Blue Eyed Lyretail female
Anthias Blue Eyed Lyretail male
Anthias Pink Square (male)
Anthias Square Back female
Aussie Stripey Convict Fish
Barred Flagtail
Blenny Algae Lawnmower
Blenny Golden Midas
Blenny Molly Miller captive bred
Butterfly Copperband
Cardinal Bangaii
Cardinal Pajama
Clam Derasa 3"-4"
Clam Maxima Gold
Clam Ultra Maxima 3"
Clownfish Black Ice
Clownfish Black Phantom Snowflake
Clownfish Black Storm
Clownfish Black White Darwin Ocellaris small
Clownfish Black Wide Bar
Clownfish Clarkii medium captive bred
Clownfish Fancy Longfin captive bred
Clownfish Fancy Snowflake
Clownfish Gladiator Davinci
Clownfish Mai Tai
Clownfish MochaVinci
Clownfish Ocellaris small, medium, large
Clownfish Orange Longfin Roundtail
Clownfish Orange Skunk
Clownfish Orange Storm
Clownfish Snowflake
Clownfish Tomato
Clownfish Wyoming White captive bred
Crab Arrow
Crab Blue Leg Hermit
Crab Decorator orange
Crab Emerald
Crab Halloween Hermit
Crab Hermit Electric Blue Leg
Crab Hermit Giant Reef large
Crab Red leg hermits
Crab Sally Lightfoot
Crab Scarlet Reef Hermit
Damsel Electric Blue
Damsel Fiji Blue Devil
Damsel Flame
Damsel Green Chromis
Damsel Kupang
Damsel Lime
Damsel Neon Blue Velvet
Damsel Orange Tail
Damsel Rolland's
Damsel Springeri
Damsel Talbot
Damsel Yellow
Dottyback Orchid
Dragonette Ruby
Eel Blue Ribbon
Eel Garden small
Eel Gold Head Moray
Eel Gold Spotted Snake
Eel Skeletor Moray small
Eel Snowflake
Eel Yellow Canary Banana Brazilian (rare)
Feather Duster
Feather Duster Red and Gold
Filefish Aiptasia Eating
Goby Aurora Shrimp
Goby Bella Sleeper
Goby Black Saddle Moon
Goby Firefish
Goby Firefish Purple
Goby Hector's
Goby Orange Diamond
Goby Red Cap
Goby Scissortail
Goby Trimma Astronaut Biota captive bred
Goby Yellow Watchman
Goby Yellow Watchman pair
Gorgonian Yellow and Red
Grouper Clown
Hawkfish Longnose
Hogfish Yellow Candy
Jawfish Blue Spot
Jawfish Pearly Yellow Headed
Lionfish Fuzzy Dwarf
Pipefish Banded
Puffer Dogface
Puffer Guinea Fowler
Puffer Stars and Stripes small
Puffer Valentini
Puffer Valentini Toby
Puffer Yellow Belly Dogface small
Rabbitfish Foxface
Rabbitfish Foxface Bicolor Fiji
Rabbitfish Foxface Magnificent medium
Rabbitfish Foxface Magnificent small
Shrimp Cleaner
Shrimp Coral Banded
Shrimp Fire
Shrimp Gold Coral Banded
Shrimp Pistol Candy Cane
Shrimp Purple Coral Banded
Shrimp Sexy
Shrimp Tiger Pistol
Slug Seahare
Snail Astrea Turbo
Snail Bumble Bee
Snail Cowrie Tiger
Snail Mexican Turbo
Snail Nassarius
Snail Nerite
Snail Spiney Shell Astrea
Snail Trochus Banded
Snail Zebra Turbo XL
Snapper Red Emperor
Starfish Chocolate Chip
Starfish Florida Orange large
Starfish Fromia Black Tip
Starfish General Red and Black
Starfish Orange Linkia
Starfish Red Linkia
Tang Achilles 4"
Tang Blonde Naso medium
Tang Chocolate
Tang Clown
Tang Gem 4"
Tang Gold Rim
Tang Hippo 2"
Tang HIppo 3"
Tang Hippo 7"
Tang Long Nose Black (rare!) 5"
Tang Orange Shoulder showsize adult
Tang Powder Blue 4"
Tang Powder Brown 4"
Tang Purple 4"
Tang Yellow Biota captive bred small
Trigger Black Durgeon large
Trigger Blue Throat male and female
Trigger Fuscus Blue Line
Trigger Niger Red Tooth
Trigger Pink Tail
Urchin Halloween
Urchin Longspine Black
Urchin Purple Pincushion
Urchin Rose Pink
Urchin Tuxedo blue
Wrasse Broomtail
Wrasse Cleaner Blue Streak
Wrasse Green Bird
Wrasse Leopard Green large super male
Wrasse Ruby Long Fin Fairy
Wrasse Sixline
Wrasse Yellow Coris