15% off all livestock (fish, coral, inverts, plants) on Saturday 2/11 and Sunday 2/12!
Anemone Ultra Rock Flower |
Angel Bicolor |
Angel Emperator adult |
Batfish Pinnatus |
Blenny Tailspot |
Boxfish Yellow Cubicus |
Butterfly Copperband |
Coco Worm Super Red |
Crab Blue Leg Hermit |
Crab Emerald |
Damsel Yellowtail Blue |
Feather Duster |
Filefish Matted |
Foxface |
Goby Candy Cane Shrimp Goby |
Goby Orange Diamond |
Goby Yellow Watchman |
Puffer Valentini |
Royal Gramma |
Snail Banded Trochus |
Snail Bumble Bee |
Snail Marble Nassarius |
Snail Mexican Turbo |
Snail Pink Margarita Turbo |
Snail Tiger Babylon Nassarius |
Starfish Multicolor Fromia |
Starfish Red Fromia |
Tang Blonde Naso |
Tang Blue Hippo 2" |
Tang Gold Rim |
Tang Orange Shoulder large adult |
Tang Powder Blue showsize |
Trigger Blue Jaw male large |
Trigger Starry large RARE! |
Wrasse Dragon |
Wrasse Leopard |
Angel Gold Diamond XL |
Angel Red Devil small/medium |
Angels assorted small |
Bala Tricolor Shark 4" |
Betta Galaxy Koi Plakat male |
Betta Tangerine male |
Bichir Albino |
Black Shark |
Catfish Corydoras Albino |
Catfish Corydoras Habrosus Pygmy |
Catfish Corydoras Metae |
Catfish Synodontis Eupterus |
Catfish Synodontis Piedratus |
Catfish Whiptail |
Cichlid Apistogramma Noberty |
Cichlid Black German Ram |
Cichlid Black Tiger Badis |
Cichlid Blue Convict |
Cichlid Frontosa small 1" |
Cichlid Geophagus Albino Heckelii |
Cichlid Geophagus Cupido |
Cichlid Geophagus Winemilleri 5" |
Cichlid Haplochromis Obliquiden |
Cichlid Highfin Lyretail Gold Ram |
Cichlid Scarlet Badis |
Cichlid Uaru tank raised |
Cichlid Yellow Peacock male large |
Danio Cheladadi Borgjorie Orange Flying Danio |
Flagtail Prochilodus 6" |
Frog African Dwarf |
Frog Albino African Clawed Frog |
Goby Blue Stiphodon |
Goldfish Blue Oranda |
Goldfish Ranchu Lionhead |
Gourami Blue Paradise Gourami |
Gourami Cobalt Dwarf |
Guppy Blue Cobra |
Guppy Endler Blue and Yellow |
Guppy Endler Scarlet |
Guppy Laser Beam |
Killifish Yellow Panchax |
Loach Black Kuhli Loach |
Loach Clown Loach large |
Loach Hillstream Butterfly |
Loach Kuhli |
Molly 24 karat |
Molly Black Lyretail |
Parrot Polar Blue 3" |
Parrotfish Platinum Parrot |
Plant Floating Salvinia |
Plant Four Leaf Clover |
Plants more arriving tomorrow... |
Platy Mickey Mouse Blue, Gold, Neon |
Platy Neon Redtail Imperial |
Pleco Albino Bristlenose |
Pleco Albino Longfin Bristlenose |
Pleco Atabo |
Pleco Mustard L031 large |
Pleco Ranger 1" |
Pleco Super Red Bristlenose |
Puffer Amazon (freshwater) |
Puffer Pea Dwarf |
Rainbow Blue Eye Gertrudae |
Rainbow Red |
Rice Fish Daisy Oryzias Wowarae |
Shrimp Bamboo 3" |
Shrimp Cardina Black and White Crystal |
Shrimp Neocardina Blue Velvet |
Shrimp Neocardina Cherry |
Snail Assassin |
Snail Zebra Nerite |
Swords Lyretail assorted |
Swords Lyretail Imperial Red |
Tetra Blue Emperor |
Tetra Buenos Aires |
Tetra Cardinal |
Tetra Electric Blue Red Fin |
Tetra Glo Pristella Green, Orange, Purple |
Tetra High Fin Blushing |
Tetra Neon |
Tetra Rummynose |