African Dwarf Frog |
Aftrican Butterfly Fish |
Agasizzi Cory |
Albino Cory |
Albino Polypterus Bichir |
Albino Ruby Oscar 2" |
Albino Tiger Oscar |
Altolamprologus Calvus Black |
American Flag Fish |
Angelfish XL tricolor, zebra lace, black marble, gold diamond |
Apache Peacock XL |
Apistograma Cacautiodis double red pairs |
Apistogramma Agasizzi |
Arrowana, Silver 5" |
Assorted African Cichlid small, medium |
Axolotl Golden Albino |
Axolotl Wild Type |
Axolotl Wild Type GFP |
Axolotl, Albino |
Bala Shark |
Barb, Albino Cherry |
Barb, Cherry |
Barb, gold tinfoil |
Barb, Gold Tinfoil |
Barb, Melon |
Beckfordi's Pencilfish |
Betta female Half Moon |
Betta female Super Delta |
Betta male Black Galaxy Dragon |
Betta male Double Tail |
Betta male Dumbo Ear |
Betta male Halfmoon |
Betta male Koi Roundtail |
Betta male Nemo Galaxy Halfmoon |
Betta male Super Delta |
Betta male Super Red Plakat |
Black Altolamprologus Calvus Cichlid |
Black Ghost Knife |
Black Shark |
Black Skirt Tetra |
Black Worms |
Blood Red Jewel Cichlid |
Bloodfin Tetra |
Blue Convict Cichlid |
Blue Eye Albino Bushynose Pleco |
Blue Fire Gourami |
Blue Phantom Pleco |
Botia Striata |
Bumble Bee Catfish |
Bumble Bee Goby |
Bumble Bee Puffer |
Butterfly Catfish |
Candy Cane Tetra |
Cardinal Tetra |
Cherry Barb |
Clown Killie |
Clown Loach |
Clown Pleco |
Clown Spotted Leporinus |
Cobalt Dwarf Gourami |
Colombian Red Fin Tetra |
Congo Tetra |
Corydora, Albino |
Corydora, Paleatus |
Corydora, Paleatus Longfin |
Corydora, Panda |
Corydora, Pygmy |
Corydora, Sterbai |
Crayfish Creamsicle |
Crayfish Electric Blue |
Crayfish Winter White |
Cyphotilapia Frontosa |
Delhezi Bichir Polypterus |
Diamond Tetra |
Discus small, medium, large |
Discus, Albino Blue Diamond 4" |
Discus, cobalt Blue 4" |
Discus, Leopard Snakeskin 4" |
Drape Fin Barb |
Dwarf Mexican Lobster orange and blue |
Electric Blue Acara |
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 4" and 2" |
Elephant Nose |
Elongatus Cichlid |
Emperor Pleco L204 |
Emperor Tetra |
Endlichari Bichir |
False Zebra Pleco |
Feeder Guppys |
Female Endlers |
Fire Mouth Meeki Cichlid |
Flagtail Prochilodus |
Flowerhorn Grade A 4" |
Frog, African clawed |
Frog, African clawed Albino |
Giant Danio |
Glass Catfish |
Glo Light Tetra |
Gloshark Orange Sunburst |
Glow Danios |
Glow Tetras |
Gold Algae Eater |
Gold Congo Tetra |
Gold Laser Cory tank raised |
Gold Tetra |
Gold White Cloud Minnow |
Goldfish Blue Pearlscale Oranda |
Goldfish Calico Ryuken |
Goldfish, Blue Oranda |
Goldfish, Calico Fantail |
Goldfish, Panda Oranda |
Goldfish, Ranchu Lionhead |
Goldfish, Red Cap Oranda |
Gourami, dwarf Gold Honey male |
Gourami, dwarf Honey |
Gourami, dwarf Imperial |
Gourami, dwarf Powder Blue |
Gourami, dwarf Red Honey |
Gourami, Moonlight |
Gourami, Neon dwarf |
Gourami, Opaline |
Gourami, Sunset Thick Lip |
Green Corys |
Green Haplochromis |
Green Severum |
Green Spotted Puffer (brackish) |
Green Terror Cichlid |
Guppy Pairs Koi Tuxedo |
Guppy Rainbow |
Guppy Red Nose Clown pairs |
Guppy Yellow Cobra |
Harlequin Rasbora |
Highfin Black Skirt Tetra |
Highfin Spotted Knight Goby (brackish) |
Hillstream Loach |
Hognose Brochis Cory |
Honey Gourami |
Hoplo Catfish |
Hypostomus Pleco |
Imperial Dwarf Gourami |
Jack Dempsey |
Jewel Cichlid |
Julidochromis Marlieri |
Julidochromis Marlieri |
Julii Cory |
Keyhole Cichlid |
King Kong Parrotfish |
Koi Angel medium |
Kribensis |
Kuhli Loach |
Labeotropheus Trewavasae Cichlid |
Labidochromis Chismulae |
Leopard Angelfish medium |
Long Fin Cherry Barb |
Longfin Bronze Cory |
Longfin Leopard Danio |
Loxozonus Cory |
Lyretail Swords |
Marble Hatchetfish |
Mbu Puffer |
Molly assorted |
Molly Highfin pairs |
Molly lyretail |
Mosaic Gar |
Neolamprologus Brichardi Cichlid |
Neon Dwarf Gourami |
Neon Tetra |
OB Marmalade Cichlid |
Otocinclus Catfish |
Panda Garra |
Panda Tetra |
Parrot fish, Platinum |
Parrot fish, Polar Blue |
Parrot fish, Purple |
Pea Puffer |
Peacock Cichlids small, medium, large |
Peacock Gudgeon |
Pearl Danio |
Pictus Catfish |
Plant Althernanthera Reineckii |
Plant Anubias Nana |
Plant Banana |
Plant Duckweed |
Plant Foxtail |
Plant Java Fern |
Plant Java Moss |
Plant Leopard Val |
Plant Major Sword |
Plant Mayaca Vandelli |
Plant Myriophyllum Matogrossens Green |
Plant Myriophyllum Tuberculatum |
Plant Red Root Floaters |
Plant Swords |
Plant Variagated Anubias |
Plant Water Wisteria |
Platinum Parrot |
Platy Assorted |
Pleco, Albino Gibicepts |
Pleco, Atabo |
Pleco, Common |
Pleco, Gold |
Pleco, Gold Nugget |
Pleco, Medusa Bushynose L034 |
Pleco, Platinum Royal Pleco medium |
Pleco, Sailfiin |
Rainbow Shark |
Rainbow Shark |
Rainbow Tetra |
Rainbow, Australian |
Rainbow, Boesmani |
Rainbow, Millenium pairs |
Rainbow, Neon |
Rainbow, Threadfin |
Ram, Electric Blue |
Ram, German Black |
Ram, German Blue |
Ram, Gold |
Ram, High Fin Lyretail German Blue |
Ram, High Fin Balloon Body Gold |
Rasbora, Brilliant |
Rasbora, Chili |
Rasbora, Galaxy (Celestial Pearl Danios) |
Rasbora, Kubotai |
Rasbora, Phoenix |
Red Honey Gourami |
Red Saddle Aequidens Cichlid |
Red Scarlet Endler |
Red Stiphedon Goby |
Red Tiger Oscar |
Ropefish |
Rose Queen Cichlid |
Roseline Shark |
Royal Clown Knife XL |
Royal Pleco XL |
Rummynose Tetra |
Scarlet Badis |
Severum Gold |
Severum juvenile |
Severum Orange Shoulder |
Severum Red |
Severum Wild Red |
Shrimp, Japonica Algae |
Shrimp, Neocardina Blue Jelly |
Shrimp, Neocardina Cherry |
Shrimp, Neocardina Crystal Red White |
Shrimp, Neocardina Sunkist |
Shrimp, Neocardina Yellow Fire |
Siamese Algae Eater |
Silver Dollar |
Silvertip Tetra |
Snail, Assassin |
Snail, Mystery blue, gold, ivory, jade, black |
Snail, Nerite |
Snail, White Wizzard |
Snail, Yellow Rabbit |
Spotted Puffer Green (brackish) |
Starry Night Cichlid |
Striatum Killifish |
Striped Raphael Catfish |
Sun Catfish |
Super Red Ancistrus Pleco |
Super VC-10 Haplochormis small |
Swords assorted |
Swords blood red |
Texas Cichlid |
Threadfin Rainbow |
Tiger Barb |
Tiger Knife large |
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish |
Tiretrack Eel 4" |
Tropheus Duboisi small |
True Altum Angel |
Upside Down Catfish |
White Cloud Minnow |
Yellow Leopoard Pleco L075 |
Yellow Tiger Endler |
Yo yo Loach |
Zebra Danio |
Freshwater Stocklist as of 10/7/2022
Oct 7th 2022