
Freshwater Stock List as of 9/30/2022

Sep 30th 2022

African Dwarf Frog
Agasizzi Cory
Albino Polypterus Bichir
Albino Ruby Oscar 2"
Albino Tiger Oscar
Altolamprologus Calvus Black
American Flag Fish
Angelfish XL tricolor, zebra lace, black marble, gold diamond
Apache Peacock XL
Apistograma Cacautiodis double red pairs
Apistogramma Agassizzi
Arrowana, Silver 5"
Assorted African Cichlid small, medium
Axolotl Golden Albino
Axolotl Melanoid GFP
Axolotl Wild Type
Axolotl, Albino
Bala Shark
Bamboo Shrimp
Barb, Albino Cherry
Barb, Cherry
Barb, gold tinfoil
Beckfordi's Pencilfish
Betta female Half Moon
Betta female Super Delta
Betta male Black Galaxy Dragon
Betta male Double Tail
Betta male Dumbo Ear
Betta male Halfmoon
Betta male Koi Roundtail
Betta male Nemo Galaxy Halfmoon
Betta male Super Delta
Betta male Super Red Plakat
Black Ghost Knife
Black Shark
Black Skirt Tetra
Black Worms
Blood Red Jewel Cichlid
Bloodfin Tetra
Blue Convict Cichlid
Bumble Bee Catfish
Bumble Bee Goby
Bumble Bee Puffer
Butterfly Catfish
Candy Cane Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Clown Killie
Clown Loach
Congo Tetra
Corydora, Paleatus
Corydora, Paleatus Longfin
Corydora, Panda
Corydora, Pygmy
Corydora, Sterbai
Crayfish Creamsicle
Crayfish Electric Blue
Crayfish Winter White
Delhezi Bichir Polypterus
Diamond Tetra
Discus small, medium, large
Discus, Albino Blue Diamond 4"
Discus, cobalt Blue 4"
Discus, Leopard Snakeskin 4"
Drape Fin Barb
Dwarf Mexican Lobster orange and blue
Electric Blue Acara
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 4" and 2"
Elephant Nose
Emperor Pleco L204
Emperor Tetra
Endlichari Bichir
False Zebra Pleco
Feeder Guppys
Fire Eel Small
Fire Mouth Meeki Cichlid
Flagtail Prochilodus
Flowerhorn Grade A
Frog, African clawed
Frog, African clawed Albino
Ghost Shrimp
Giant Danio
Glass Catfish
Glow Danios
Glow Tetras
Gold Algae Eater
Gold Congo Tetra
Gold Laser Cory tank raised
Gold Tetra
Gold White Cloud Minnow
Goldfish Blue Pearlscale Oranda
Goldfish Calico Ryuken
Goldfish, Blue Oranda
Goldfish, Calico Fantail
Goldfish, Panda Oranda
Goldfish, Ranchu Lionhead
Goldfish, Red Cap Oranda
Gourami, dwarf Gold Honey male
Gourami, dwarf Honey
Gourami, dwarf Imperial
Gourami, dwarf Powder Blue
Gourami, dwarf Red Honey
Gourami, Moonlight
Gourami, Neon dwarf
Gourami, Opaline
Gourami, Sunset Thick Lip
Green Haplochromis
Green Terror Cichlid
Guppy Dumbo male
Guppy Gold Red Tuxedo male
Guppy Pairs Koi Tuxedo
Guppy Rainbow
Guppy Red Nose Clown pairs
Guppy Yellow Cobra
Harlequin Rasbora
Highfin Spotted Knight Goby (brackish)
Hillstream Loach
Hognose Brochis Cory
Hoplo Catfish
Hypostomus Pleco
Jack Dempsey
Jewel Cichlid
Julidochromis Marlieri
Keyhole Cichlid
King Kong Parrotfish
Koi Angel medium
Kuhli Loach
Labeotropheus Trewavasae Cichlid
Leopard Angelfish medium
Leopard Leafish
Live Brine
Long Fin Cherry Barb
Marble Hatchetfish
Mbu Puffer
Molly assorted
Molly Highfin pairs
Molly lyretail
Mosaic Gar
Neolamprologus Brichardi Cichlid
Neon Tetra
OB Marmalade Cichlid
Otocinclus Catfish
Panda Garra
Parrot fish, Platinum
Parrot fish, Polar Blue
Parrot fish, Purple
Pea Puffer
Peacock Cichlids small, medium, large
Peacock Gudgeon
Pearl Danio
Plant Althernanthera Reineckii
Plant Anubias Nana
Plant Anubias Nana Petite
Plant Banana
Plant Duckweed
Plant Java Fern
Plant Java Moss
Plant Leopard Val
Plant Major Sword
Plant Mayaca Vandelli
Plant Myriophyllum Matogrossens Green
Plant Myriophyllum Tuberculatum
Plant Red Root Floaters
Plant Swords
Plant Variagated Anubias
Plant Water Wysteria
Platy Assorted
Pleco, Albino Bristlenose
Pleco, Albino Gibicepts
Pleco, Atabo
Pleco, Black and White Royal Tiger Pleco L333
Pleco, Common
Pleco, Gold
Pleco, Medusa Bushynose L034
Pleco, Platinum Royal Pleco medium
Pleco, Sailfiin
Rainbow Shark
Rainbow Tetra
Rainbow, Australian
Rainbow, Boesmani
Rainbow, Millenium pairs
Rainbow, Neon
Rainbow, Threadfin
Ram, Electric Blue
Ram, German Black
Ram, German Blue
Ram, Gold
Ram, High Fin Lyretail German Blue
Ram, High Fin Balloon Body Gold
Rasbora, Brilliant
Rasbora, Chili
Rasbora, Galaxy (Celestial Pearl Danios)
Rasbora, Kubotai
Rasbora, Phoenix
Red Saddle Aequidens Cichlid
Red Stiphedon Goby
Red Tiger Oscar
Rose Queen Cichlid
Roseline Shark
Royal Clown Knife XL
Royal Pleco XL
Rummynose Tetra
Scarlet Badis
Severum Gold
Severum juvenile
Severum Orange Shoulder
Severum Red
Severum Wild Red
Shrimp, Japonica Algae
Shrimp, Neocardina Blue Jelly
Shrimp, Neocardina Cherry
Shrimp, Neocardina Crystal Red White
Shrimp, Neocardina Sunkist
Shrimp, Neocardina Yellow Fire
Siamese Algae Eater
Silver Dollar
Silvertip Tetra
Skunk Cory
Snail, Assassin
Snail, Mystery blue, gold, ivory, jade, black
Snail, Nerite
Snail, White Wizzard
Snail, Yellow Rabbit
Spotted Puffer Green (brackish)
Starry Night Cichlid
Striped Raphael Catfish
Sun Catfish
Super Red Ancistrus Pleco
Super VC-10 Haplochormis small
Swords assorted
Swords blood red
Texas Cichlid
Tiger Barb
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish
Tire Track Eel small
Tropheus Duboisi small
Trout Worms
True Altum Angel
Yellow Leopoard Pleco L075
Yo yo Loach
Zebra Danio