
Freshwater Stock List 9/22/2023

Sep 22nd 2023

Angel Albino Dantum
Angel Zebra Lace small
Angelfish Black XL
Angelfish Blue small
Angelfish Gold Diamond XL
Angelfish Koi orange tricolor large
Angelfish Koi orange tricolor small
Angelfish Leopard small
Angelfish Panda
Angelfish Veiltail medium assorted colors
Angelfish Zebra Lace XL
Apistogramma cacatuoides orange flash
Apistogramma cacatuoides triple red
Axolotl 4" Leucistic
Axolotl 4" Melanoid
Axolotl 7" Melanoid female
Axolotl Golden Copper adult male
Barb Albino Cherry
Barb Black Ruby
Barb Cherry
Barb Highfin African
Barb Melon
Barb Odessa
Barb Tiger
Betta Doubletail male
Betta femail Koi
Betta female Crowntail
Betta female Veiltail
Betta Full Moon Koi male
Betta Giant Dragonscale Halfmoon King male
Betta Grade A Koi Plakat male
Betta Halfmoon male
Betta High Grade Full Moon Tail male
Betta Super Gold Halfmoon male
Betta White Elephant Ear male
Brackish Green Spotted Puffer
Brackish Highfin Spotted Knight Goby
Cafish Corydora Pygmaeous
Catfish Banjo
Catfish Cory Areio C070
Catfish Corydora Albino
Catfish Corydora Albino Sterbai
Catfish Corydora Black Diamond
Catfish Corydora Black Venezuelan
Catfish Corydora Glo orange
Catfish Corydora Green Aneus
Catfish Corydora Julii
Catfish Corydora Leucomelas
Catfish Corydora Longfin Paleatus
Catfish Corydora Panda
Catfish Corydora Skunk XL
Catfish Corydora Sterbai
Catfish Four Line Pimadella
Catfish Glass
Catfish Otocinclus
Catfish Otocinclus Zebra
Catfish Red Lizard
Catfish Spotted Raphael
Catfish Striped Raphael
Catfish Synodontis Eupterus XL
Catfish Synodontis Ornatapinnis
Catfish Synodontis Petricola Pink
Catfish Upside Down
Cichlid African Cichlid fry
Cichlid Apistograma Agassizi Red pair
Cichlid Apistogramma Agassizi Blue
Cichlid Badis Jewel Chameleon
Cichlid Black Widow Frontosa
Cichlid Blue Convict
Cichlid Convict Pink
Cichlid Dwarf Flag Acara
Cichlid Electric Blue Acara
Cichlid Electric Blue Jack Dempsey small
Cichlid Firemouth Meeki
Cichlid Frontosa
Cichlid Geophagus Balzani small
Cichlid Geophagus Gephium
Cichlid Geophagus Heckeli Albino
Cichlid Geophagus Sveni 6"
Cichlid Green Terror small
Cichlid Guiana Owroewefi
Cichlid Hap Ahli OB
Cichlid Hap Electric Blue
Cichlid Hap Moorii Large male
Cichlid Hap Red Empress
Cichlid Hap VC-10
Cichlid Haplochromis Ahli large
Cichlid Jack Dempsey small
Cichlid Jewel
Cichlid Jewel Pike
Cichlid Keyhole
Cichlid Kribensis
Cichlid Kribensis Albino
Cichlid Kribensis Slender pair
Cichlid Kribensis Striped
Cichlid Labiotropheus Trewavasae fry
Cichlid Lamprologus Caudopunctatus
Cichlid Lamprologus Helianthus
Cichlid Malawi OB Masingi Zebra
Cichlid Mbuna Sunflower Labidochromis small
Cichlid Midas XL
Cichlid Nanacara Adekota Zebra Acara
Cichlid Ocellatus Blue
Cichlid Oscar Albino Ruby 3"
Cichlid Oscar Red 5"
Cichlid Oscar Red Tiger
Cichlid Peacock Albino OB
Cichlid Peacock Apache large
Cichlid Peacock Blueberry OB
Cichlid Peacock Cardango
Cichlid Peacock Dragon Blood
Cichlid Peacock Electric Blue
Cichlid Peacock female assorted sizes and colors
Cichlid Peacock OB females
Cichlid Peacock Red Empress
Cichlid Peacock Red Empress male
Cichlid Peacock Red Jacobfreibergi
Cichlid Peacock Red OB
Cichlid Peacock Super Red
Cichlid Peacock Taiwan Reef male
Cichlid Peacock White Knight
Cichlid Peacock Yellow OB
Cichlid Pike Johanni Red
Cichlid Pike Venezuelan Red Fire large
Cichlid Rainbow
Cichlid Ram Bolivian Red Belly
Cichlid Ram Electric Blue
Cichlid Ram German Black
Cichlid Ram German Blue
Cichlid Ram German Blue Ram Jumbo
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail German Blue
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail Gold
Cichlid Red Exul Jewel
Cichlid Red Head Synspillium 3"
Cichlid Severum Gold
Cichlid Starry Night Paratilapia polleni
Cichlid Tanganyikan Black Altolamprologus Calvus
Cichlid Tanganyikan Daffodil Brichardi
Cichlid Tanganyikan Lamp. Mustax
Cichlid Tanganyikan Neo. Tetrocephelus
Cichlid True Parrot XL
Cichlid Uaru
Crayfish Common
Crayfish Electric Blue
Crayfish Super Red 3"
Ctenopoma Leopard Leafish
Danio Giant
Danio Longfin Blue
Danio Longfin Zebra
Danio Orange Flying
Danio Pearl
Danio Zebra
Discus Albino Blue Diamond 5"
Discus Blue Diamond 4"
Discus German Red Turquoise 5"
Discus Giant Flora 5"
Discus Maze Leopard 5"+
Discus Penang Eruption 5"
Discus Pigeon Snake Skin 4"
Discus Rose Red 6"
Discus Super Checkerboard Pigeon 4.5"
Discus Super Red Cover 5"
Discus Tiger Snakeskin 4"
Discus Tiger Turquiose 4.5"
Discus White Butterfly 4.5
Eel Yellow Tail
Eel Zig Zag
Elephant Nose
Flagtail Prochilodus
Frog African Clawed small
Frog African Dwarf
Frog African Dwarf blonde
Garra Pedigarra
Garra Rainbow
Glofish Danio Blue, Green, Orange, Purple
Glofish Pristella Green, Orange, Purple
Glow Fish Pristella Tetra
Glow Fish Skirt Tetra Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow
Goby Blue
Goby Bumble Bee
Goby Purple Spotted Gudgeon Microphysogobio Tafangensis
Goby Zhou's Scarlet Rhinogobius Zhou
Goldfish Blue Telescope
Goldfish Butterfly Telescope small
Goldfish Calico Fantail
Goldfish Calico Oranda
Goldfish Domestic Black Moor
Goldfish Ranchu small assorted
Goldfish Red and White Pearlscale
Goldfish Red and White Pearlscale small
Goldfish Red Cap Oranda medium
Goldfish Red Telescope
Goldfish Tai Oranda XL
Goldfish Thai Oranda Grade A small
Gourami Flame Dwarf
Gourami Flamingo Honey
Gourami Imperial Dwarf
Gourami Kissing
Gourami Moonlight
Gourami Neon Dwarf Turquoise
Gourami Sparkling
Gudgeon Australian Sunburst
Guppy Calico Lyretail male
Guppy Dumbo Ear Red Dragon male
Guppy Endler Green male
Guppy female assorted
Guppy Kohaku PAIRS
Guppy Panda male
Guppy Pink Tuxedo male
Guppy Snow White male
Hatchet Marble
Killifish Red Ruby
Killifish Yellow Panchax Golden Wonder
Knifefish Black Ghost small
Leporinus Clown Spotted
Live Food Black Worms
Live Food Brine Shrimp
Live Food Feeder Shrimp
Loach Clown
Loach Kuhli
Loach Yo Yo
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Blue
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Orange
Microctenopoma ansorgii (Ornate Climbing Perch)
Minnow Gold White Cloud
Molly assorted
Molly Creamsicle Lyretail
Molly Dalmation Lyretail
Molly Sailfin Marble Pairs
Molly Sailfin Sunburst pairs
Mollys Balloon Body assorted
Parrotfish Platinum
Parrotfish Purple Bloody
Pencilfish Beckfordi Red
Pencilfish Redfin Golden
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii mini
Plant Anubias Nana
Plant Anubias White Rose
Plant Anubias with suction cup
Plant Baby Tears
Plant Bacopa Caroliniana Yellow Flame
Plant Bacopa Yellow Flame
Plant Banana
Plant Cryptocoryne Lutea
Plant Cryptocryne Spiralis potted
Plant Duckweed
Plant Dwarf Sagittaria potted
Plant Echinodorus Argentiniensis
Plant Floating Moss Ball
Plant Guppy Grass
Plant Hygrophila Corymbosa Parawitota
Plant Hygrophila Stricta
Plant Java Fern
Plant Java Moss on tree
Plant Jungle Vallisneria
Plant Marimo Moss Ball
Plant Mayaca Vandelli
Plant Micro Sword
Plant Moneywort Bacopa Monnieri
Plant Narrow Leaf Micro Sword
Plant Pointy Sword
Plant Potted Amazon Sword Mother Pot XL
Plant Red Root Floaters
Plant Red Tiger Lotus
Plant Rotala Nanjenshan
Plant Rotala Rotundifolia
Plant Water Wysteria
Platy assorted, bumble bee, Ruby Tiger
Platy Blue Painted
Platy Imported Red
Platy Neon Blue Wag
Platy Neon Mickey Mouse
Platy Pineapple Mickey Mouse
Pleco Albino Bristlenose
Pleco Albino Gibicepts 5"
Pleco Atabapo
Pleco Black Bristlenose male large
Pleco Blue Phantom L-128
Pleco Bristlenose small
Pleco Calico Bristlenose
Pleco Clown
Pleco Common Large
Pleco False Zebra
Pleco Gold Nugget L-018
Pleco Green Phantom Highfin
Pleco Green Phantom L200 3"
Pleco Leopard Frog L134
Pleco Longfin Black Bristlenose medium
Pleco Longfin Blue Eyed Albino small
Pleco Longfin Green Dragon Ancistrus
Pleco Red Ancistrus
Pleco Snowball
Pleco Violet Bruno
Polypterus Bichir Albino
Polypterus Endlicheri
Polypterus Ornatipinnis
Puffer Fahaka 10"
Puffer Fahaka 4"
Puffer Figure 8
Rainbow Blue Eye Forktail
Rainbow Boesmani
Rainbow Furcata Forktail XL male
Rainbow Lacustris Turquoise XL 4.5"
Rainbow Madagascar
Rainbow Neon Dwarf
Rainbow Parkinsoni XL
Rainbow Red New Guinea large Pair
Rainbow Spotted Blue Eye Gertrudae
Rainbow Threadfin
Rasbora Galaxy Celestial Pearl Danio
Rasbora Gold Head Purple Harlequin
Rasbora Harlequin
Rasbora Microrasbora Kubotai
Severum Blue Face Brazilian Notatus
Severum Gold Red Spot
Severum Orange Shoulder
Severum Wild Tiger
Shark Roseline
Shiner Red
Shrimp Amano
Shrimp Bamboo
Shrimp Caridina Blueberry
Shrimp Caridina Bumble Bee
Shrimp Caridina Red & White Crystal Grade S
Shrimp Neocaridina Blue Velvet Grade A
Shrimp Neocaridina Orange Rili
Shrimp Neocaridina Red Cherry
Shrimp Neocaridina Snowball white
Shrimp Neocaridina Sunkist Orange
Shrimp Neocaridinia Yellow Banana
Siamese Algae Eater
Siamese Flying Fox
Silver Dollar
Snail Assassin
Snail Mystery Ivory
Snail Nerite Red Onion
Snail Nerite Zebra
Snail Rabbit
Snail Ramshorn
Swordtail assorted
Swordtail Florida Blood
Swordtail Red Lyretail
Tetra Black Emperor
Tetra Black Skirt
Tetra Bleeding Heart
Tetra Brass
Tetra Candy Cane
Tetra Diamond
Tetra Ember
Tetra Emperor
Tetra Glow Light
Tetra Gold Neon
Tetra Green Fire
Tetra Highfin Blushing
Tetra Neon
Tetra Penguin
Tetra Pristella
Tetra Red and Blue Colombian
Tetra Red Phantom
Tetra Rosy
Tetra Rummynose
Tetra Serpae
Tetra Serpae Longfin