African Butterfly Fish |
Angelfish Black XL |
Angelfish Blue Ghost small |
Angelfish Blue small |
Angelfish Dantum |
Angelfish Gold Diamond XL |
Angelfish Koi orange tricolor small |
Angelfish Panda |
Angelfish Veiltail medium assorted colors |
Angelfish Zebra Lace XL |
Arowana Silver 6" |
Axolotl 4" GFP Albino |
Axolotl 4" Leucistic |
Axolotl 4" Wild Type, Melanoid, Albino |
Axolotl 7" Melanoid female |
Axolotl Golden Copper adult male |
Axolotl Purple Axanthic adult male |
Barb Albino Cherry |
Barb Black Ruby |
Barb Cherry |
Barb Gold Neon small |
Barb Melon |
Barb Odessa |
Barb Tiger |
Betta Black Galaxy Plakat male |
Betta Doubletail male |
Betta female Crowntail |
Betta female Dumbo Delta |
Betta female Koi |
Betta female Veiltail |
Betta Full Moon Koi male |
Betta Full Moon Koi Plakat male |
Betta Giant Dragonscale Halfmoon King male |
Betta Grade A Koi Plakat male |
Betta Halfmoon male |
Betta Hellboy Plakat male |
Betta High Grade Full Moon Tail male |
Betta Super Gold Halfmoon male |
Betta Super Red Plakat male |
Betta Yellow Dragon Plakat male |
Brackish Green Spotted Puffer |
Brackish Highfin Spotted Knight Goby |
Cafish Corydora Pygmaeous |
Catfish Banjo |
Catfish Corydora Black Diamond |
Catfish Corydora Crypticus |
Catfish Corydora Glo orange |
Catfish Corydora Julii |
Catfish Corydora Leucomelas |
Catfish Corydora Longfin Paleatus |
Catfish Corydora Panda |
Catfish Corydora Skunk XL |
Catfish Corydora Sterbai |
Catfish Farlowella |
Catfish Four Line Pimadella |
Catfish Otocinclus |
Catfish Otocinclus Zebra large |
Catfish Royal Farlowella large |
Catfish Spotted Raphael |
Catfish Striped Raphael |
Catfish Synodontis Eupterus XL |
Catfish Synodontis Petricola Pink |
Catfish Upside Down |
Cichlid African Cichlid fry |
Cichlid African Mbuna assorted small, medium, and large |
Cichlid African Mbuna Cherry Red Zebra |
Cichlid African Mbuna Jalo Reef Afra |
Cichlid African Mbuna Peach Zebra |
Cichlid African Mbuna Purple Acei Yellow Tail small |
Cichlid Black Widow Frontosa |
Cichlid Blue Convict |
Cichlid Chocolate |
Cichlid Convict Pink |
Cichlid Dwarf Flag Acara |
Cichlid Electric Blue Acara |
Cichlid Electric Blue Jack Dempsey small |
Cichlid Festivum |
Cichlid Frontosa |
Cichlid Geophagus Balzani small |
Cichlid Geophagus Gephium |
Cichlid Geophagus Heckeli Albino |
Cichlid Geophagus Sveni 6" |
Cichlid Green Terror small |
Cichlid Guiana Owroewefi |
Cichlid Hap Electric Blue |
Cichlid Hap Moorii Large male |
Cichlid Hap Red Empress |
Cichlid Hap Star Sapphire Phenochilus large |
Cichlid Hap Taiwan Reef male large (awesome!) |
Cichlid Hap VC-10 |
Cichlid Hap Venustus |
Cichlid Hap White Dorsal pair |
Cichlid Jack Dempsey small |
Cichlid Jack Dempsey XL |
Cichlid Jewel |
Cichlid Jewel Pike |
Cichlid Kribensis |
Cichlid Kribensis Albino |
Cichlid Kribensis Slender pair |
Cichlid Kribensis Striped |
Cichlid Labiotropheus Trewavasae fry |
Cichlid Lamp. Ocellatus Black (last 1) |
Cichlid Midas XL |
Cichlid Nanacara Adekota Zebra Acara |
Cichlid Oscar Blood Red 3" |
Cichlid Peacock Albino OB |
Cichlid Peacock Apache large |
Cichlid Peacock Dragon Blood |
Cichlid Peacock Electric Blue |
Cichlid Peacock female assorted sizes and colors |
Cichlid Peacock Lemon Jake |
Cichlid Peacock OB females |
Cichlid Peacock Orange Shoulder large |
Cichlid Peacock Red OB |
Cichlid Peacock White Lip Star Sapphire |
Cichlid Petrochromis Red Bulu Point 3" |
Cichlid Pike Johanni Red |
Cichlid Pike Venezuelan Red Fire large |
Cichlid Rainbow |
Cichlid Ram Bolivian Red Belly |
Cichlid Ram Electric Blue |
Cichlid Ram German Black |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail Gold |
Cichlid Red Exul Jewel |
Cichlid Red Head Synspillium 3" |
Cichlid Red Terror true Festae medium |
Cichlid Red Texas |
Cichlid Salvini small |
Cichlid Scarlet Badis |
Cichlid Starry Night Paratilapia polleni |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Black Altolamprologus Calvus |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Daffodil Brichardi |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Lamp. Mustax |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Neo. Tetrocephelus |
Cichlid True Parrot XL |
Cichlid Uaru |
Crayfish Common |
Crayfish Electric Blue |
Crayfish Super Red 3" |
Ctenopoma Leopard Leafish |
Danio Giant |
Danio Longfin Zebra |
Danio Orange Flying |
Danio Pearl |
Danio Zebra |
Discus Albino Blue Diamond 5" |
Discus Blue Diamond 4" |
Discus German Red Turquoise 5" |
Discus Giant Flora 5" |
Discus Maze Leopard 5"+ |
Discus Penang Eruption 5" |
Discus Pigeon Snake Skin 4" |
Discus Rose Red 6" |
Discus Super Checkerboard Pigeon 4.5" |
Discus Super Red Cover 5" |
Discus Tiger Snakeskin 4" |
Discus Tiger Turquiose 4.5" |
Discus White Butterfly 4.5 |
Eel Fire 8" |
Frog African Clawed small |
Frog Dwarf African |
Gar Mosaic 7" |
Glow Fish Pristella Tetra |
Glow Fish Skirt Tetra Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow |
Goby Blue |
Goby Bumble Bee |
Goby Rainbow |
Goldfish Black and White Oranda large |
Goldfish Calico Oranda |
Goldfish Domestic Black Moor |
Goldfish Imported Premium Pearlscale large |
Goldfish Ranchu small assorted |
Goldfish Red Cap Oranda medium |
Goldfish Red Telescope |
Goldfish Tai Oranda XL |
Gourami Honey |
Gourami Imperial Dwarf |
Gourami Kissing |
Gourami Neon Dwarf |
Gourami Sparkling |
Guppy Black and White male |
Guppy Calico Lyretail male |
Guppy Cloudy Blue male |
Guppy Dumbo Ear Red Dragon male |
Guppy Endler Green male |
Guppy Endler Tuxedo male |
Guppy Endler Yellow Tiger pair |
Guppy female assorted |
Guppy Gold Flame male |
Guppy Golden Rainbow male |
Guppy Kohaku PAIRS |
Guppy Lemon Cobra |
Guppy Moscow Blue male |
Guppy Panda male |
Guppy Red Delta male and female |
Guppy Snow White male |
Hatchet Marble |
Hatchet Silver |
Killifish Guentheri |
Killifish Ranchovii |
Killifish Steel Blue |
Killifish Yellow Panchax Golden Wonder |
Leporinus Clown Spotted |
Loach Borneo Sucker |
Loach Clown |
Loach Kuhli |
Loach Kuhli black |
Loach Panda Gold Line |
Loach Yo Yo |
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Blue |
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Orange |
Minnow Gold White Cloud |
Molly assorted |
Molly balloon |
Molly Creamsicle Lyretail |
Molly Dalmation Lyretail |
Molly Red Calico |
Molly Sailfin Marble Pairs |
Molly Sailfin Sunburst pairs |
Parrot Polar Blue |
Pencilfish Beckfordi Red |
Pencilfish Redfin Golden |
Perch Climbing |
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii |
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii mini |
Plant Anubias Congensis |
Plant Anubias Nana |
Plant Anubias Pinto |
Plant Anubias White Rose |
Plant Anubias with suction cup |
Plant Aponogeton Ulvaceous |
Plant Australian Sprite potted |
Plant Baby Tears |
Plant Bacopa Caroliniana Yellow Flame |
Plant Bacopa Compacta White |
Plant Banana |
Plant Bucephalandra Brownie Blue |
Plant Bucephalandra Brownie Ghost |
Plant Bucephalandra Brownie Purple |
Plant Bucephalandra Sp Batang Kawa |
Plant Cryptocoryne Lutea |
Plant Cryptocryne Spiralis potted |
Plant Duckweed |
Plant Dwarf Lily Nymphaea Rubea Bulb |
Plant Dwarf Sagittaria potted |
Plant Floating Moss Ball |
Plant Guppy Grass |
Plant Hygrophila Stricta |
Plant Hygrophila Stricta |
Plant Java Fern |
Plant Java Moss on tree |
Plant Jungle Vallisneria |
Plant Ludwigia Brevipes |
Plant Ludwigia Repens |
Plant Marimo Moss Ball |
Plant Mayaca Vandelli |
Plant Micro Sword |
Plant Microsorium Java Fern |
Plant Myriophyllum Tuberculatum |
Plant Narrow Leaf Micro Sword |
Plant Pointy Sword |
Plant Potted Amazon Sword Mother Pot XL |
Plant Radican Sword |
Plant Red Cryptocoryn Wendtii |
Plant Red Root Floaters |
Plant Red Root Floaters |
Plant Red Tiger Lotus |
Plant Rotala Rotundifolia Red |
Plant Tissue Culture Cryptocoryne Flamingo |
Plant Water Sprite |
Plant Water Wysteria |
Plant Water Wysteria |
Platy assorted, bumble bee, Ruby Tiger |
Platy High Fin Assorted |
Platy Neon Blue Wag |
Pleco Albino Bristlenose |
Pleco Albino Gibicepts 5" |
Pleco Atabapo |
Pleco Black Bristlenose male large |
Pleco Blue Phantom L-128 |
Pleco Bristlenose small |
Pleco Calico Bristlenose |
Pleco Clown |
Pleco Common Large |
Pleco False Zebra |
Pleco Green Phantom Highfin |
Pleco Green Phantom L200 3" |
Pleco Longfin Blue Eyed Albino small |
Pleco Snow White Bushynose |
Pleco Snowball |
Pleco Violet Bruno |
Polypterus Bichir Albino |
Polypterus Endlicheri |
Polypterus Ornatipinnis |
Puffer Bumble Bee freshwater |
Puffer Fahaka 4" |
Puffer Figure 8 |
Rainbow Blue Eye Forktail |
Rainbow Boesmani |
Rainbow Furcata Forktail XL male |
Rainbow Garra |
Rainbow Lacustris Turquoise XL 4.5" |
Rainbow Madagascar |
Rainbow Melanotaenia Boesmani Aves Creek small |
Rainbow Neon Dwarf |
Rainbow Red New Guinea large Pair |
Rainbow Spotted Blue Eye Gertrudae |
Rainbow Threadfin |
Rasbora Chili |
Rasbora Dwarf Emerald |
Rasbora Galaxy Celestial Pearl Danio |
Rasbora Gold Head Purple Harlequin |
Rasbora Harlequin |
Rasbora Microrasbora Kubotai |
Rasbora Phoenix |
Rasbora Scissortail |
Ropefish |
Severum Blue Face Brazilian Notatus |
Severum Gold Red Spot |
Severum Orange Shoulder |
Severum Wild Tiger |
Shark Roseline |
Shiner Red |
Shrimp Amano |
Shrimp Amano |
Shrimp Bamboo |
Shrimp Black and White Crystal |
Shrimp Caridina Blueberry |
Shrimp Caridina Bumble Bee (freshwater) |
Shrimp Caridina Red & White Crystal Grade S |
Shrimp Neocaridina Black and Blue Rili |
Shrimp Neocaridina Blue Velvet Grade A |
Shrimp Neocaridina Orange Rili |
Shrimp Neocaridina Red Cherry |
Shrimp Neocaridina Snowball white |
Shrimp Neocaridina Sunkist Orange |
Shrimp Neocaridinia Yellow Banana |
Shrimp Vampire Atya |
Siamese Algae Eater |
Siamese Flying Fox |
Silver Dollar |
Snail Assassin |
Snail Military Helmet |
Snail Mystery Ivory |
Snail Nerite Red Onion |
Snail Nerite Zebra |
Snail Rabbit |
Snail Ramshorn |
Sword Florida Blood |
Swordtail assorted |
Swordtail Marble imported |
Swordtail Red and White Koi |
Tetra Black Emperor |
Tetra Black Neon |
Tetra Black Skirt |
Tetra Bleeding Heart |
Tetra Brass |
Tetra Buenos Aires |
Tetra Candy Cane |
Tetra Diamond |
Tetra Ember |
Tetra Emperor |
Tetra Glow Light |
Tetra Gold Neon |
Tetra Green Fire |
Tetra Highfin Blushing |
Tetra Neon |
Tetra Penguin |
Tetra Pristella |
Tetra Red and Blue Colombian |
Tetra Red Phantom |
Tetra Rosy |
Tetra Rummynose |
Tetra Serpae |
Tetra Serpae Longfin |
Freshwater Stock List 8/18/2023
Aug 18th 2023