Angel Dantum large |
Angel Koi small |
Angel Marble Black Silver XL |
Angel Marble small |
Angel Platinum Green medium |
Angel Platinum large |
Angel Platinum Panda small |
Angel Silver XL |
Angelfish Dantum medium |
Angelfish Israeli Blue medium |
Angelfish Tri Color XL |
Angelfish XL Zebra Lace |
Axolotl 4" GFP Albino, GFP Wild |
Axolotl 4" Leucistic |
Axolotl 4" Wild Type, Melanoid, Albino |
Axolotl 7" Wild Type, Leucistic, Melanoid |
Bala Tricolor Shark 4" |
Barb Albino Cherry male |
Barb Albino Tiger |
Barb Black Ruby |
Barb Cherry |
Barb Cherry Veiltail |
Barb Gold Neon |
Barb Green Tiger |
Barb Longfin Rosy male |
Barb Melon |
Barb Odessa xl |
Barb Tiger |
Betta Black Samurai Plakat male |
Betta Cambodian Roundtail female |
Betta Crowntail female |
Betta Crowntail male |
Betta Double Tail male |
Betta Dumbo Ear male |
Betta Galaxy Nemo Koi Plakat male |
Betta Half Moon male |
Betta Jumbo Koi female |
Betta Koi female |
Betta Koi Plakat grade A male |
Betta Koi Tricolor Roundtail male |
Betta Red Dragon male |
Betta Super Red Roundtail Plakat male |
Betta Tangerine veiltail |
Betta Turquoise Halfmoon male |
Betta White Pearl male |
Black Ghost Knifefish small |
Catfish 4-Line Pimelodella |
Catfish Centromochilus Orca |
Catfish Corydora Albino |
Catfish Corydora Aspidoras Spilotus (rare dwarf) |
Catfish Corydora Concolor |
Catfish Corydora Crypticus XL |
Catfish Corydora Gold Laser CW-010 |
Catfish Corydora Green |
Catfish Corydora Habrosus Pygmy |
Catfish Corydora Julii tank raised |
Catfish Corydora Loxozonus |
Catfish Corydora Melanistus |
Catfish Corydora Paleatus tank raised |
Catfish Corydora Panda |
Catfish Corydora Sterbai |
Catfish Corydora Yellow Sodalis CW123 |
Catfish Glass |
Catfish Polli True White |
Catfish Spotted Raphael |
Catfish Striped Raphael |
Catfish Synodontis Decoras |
Catfish Synodontis Petricola Pink |
Catfish Upside Down |
Catfish Whiptail |
Catfish Yellow Synodontis Nigrita |
Cichild Firemouth Meeki |
Cichild Midas JUMBO |
Cichild Ruby Green Haplochromis |
Cichlid Aequidens Super Maculatum |
Cichlid Apistogramma Agassizi Double Red female |
Cichlid Apistogramma Agassizi Neon Blue |
Cichlid Apistogramma Agassizi Red Fire pairs |
Cichlid Apistogramma Noberty |
Cichlid Bicolor 500 Peacock |
Cichlid Black Altolamprologus Calvus |
Cichlid Black Lamprologus Ocellatus |
Cichlid Black Widow Frontosa small |
Cichlid Cherry Red Zebra |
Cichlid Chocolate 2.5" |
Cichlid Cobalt Blue Zebra |
Cichlid Cyrtocara Moorei |
Cichlid Daffodil Neolamprologus Brichardi |
Cichlid Demasoni |
Cichlid Dwarf Flag Acara |
Cichlid Dwarf Pike |
Cichlid Electric Blue Acara |
Cichlid Fenestratus |
Cichlid Frontosa small |
Cichlid Geophagus Balzanii small |
Cichlid Geophagus Cupido |
Cichlid Geophagus Sveni showsize 5" |
Cichlid Geophagus Winemilleri 5" |
Cichlid Green Terror 4" |
Cichlid Haplochromis Moorii Large male |
Cichlid Haplochromis Red Empress large |
Cichlid Israeli Black Ram |
Cichlid Jack Dempsey 3" |
Cichlid Jack Dempsey 6" and 8" |
Cichlid Jalo Reef Afra |
Cichlid Johanni Red Pike |
Cichlid Juliochromis Reganni Kipili |
Cichlid Kribensis |
Cichlid Kribensis Albino |
Cichlid Kribensis Slender pairs |
Cichlid Kribensis Striped |
Cichlid Kribensis Wild Berry |
Cichlid Labeotropheus Trewavasae |
Cichlid Labidochromis Hongi Sunflower |
Cichlid Labidochromis Nkali Blue and White Banded |
Cichlid Lamprologus Compressiceps Golden |
Cichlid Lamprologus Mustax |
Cichlid Lamprologus Ocellatus Black |
Cichlid Lamprologus Ocellatus Golden |
Cichlid Luwanda Peacock |
Cichlid Metriaclima Blue OB Masinje Zebra small |
Cichlid Metriaclima sp Zebra Gold Kawanga |
Cichlid Neolamprologus Buescheri Kachese |
Cichlid Neolamprologus Tretocephalus |
Cichlid Ngara Peacock |
Cichlid Nicaraguensis large |
Cichlid Oscar Albino Tiger 3" |
Cichlid Oscar Albino Tiger 8" |
Cichlid Oscar Lemon 3" |
Cichlid Oscar Red Tiger 3" |
Cichlid Oscar Red Tiger 8" |
Cichlid Peach Zebra large |
Cichlid Peacock Albino OB |
Cichlid Peacock Albino Strawberry |
Cichlid Peacock Apache |
Cichlid Peacock Blue |
Cichlid Peacock Blue OB 4" |
Cichlid Peacock female small medium large |
Cichlid Peacock Lemon |
Cichlid Peacock OB |
Cichlid Peacock Orange Shoulder large |
Cichlid Peacock Orange Shoulder XL |
Cichlid Peacock Red Empress XL |
Cichlid Peacock Red large |
Cichlid Peacock Sulfer Head |
Cichlid Peacock Super Albino Sulpher Maylandi |
Cichlid Peacock Taiwan Reef XL |
Cichlid Peacock White Lip Star Sapphire Naoka Phenochills |
Cichlid Pink Convict |
Cichlid Polar Blue Parrot XL |
Cichlid Rainbow XL |
Cichlid Ram Bolivian Red Belly |
Cichlid Ram Electric Blue |
Cichlid Ram German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Gold |
Cichlid Ram High Fin Lyretail German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail Gold |
Cichlid Red OB Peacock |
Cichlid Red Texas |
Cichlid Severum Blue Face Brazilian Notatus |
Cichlid Severum Gold 2" |
Cichlid Severum Red 3" |
Cichlid Severum Red Spot Gold 2" |
Cichlid Severum Red Tiger Rio Curare |
Cichlid Severum Wild Tiger 3" |
Cichlid Super Orange Leleupi |
Discus Royal Blue Scorpion 5" |
Cichlid Texas |
Cichlid True Parrot XL |
Cichlid Uaru tank raised |
Cichlid Venezuela Red Fire Pike 9" |
Cichlid Venustrus |
Cichlid Yellow Jacket 5" |
Cichlid Yellow Labidochromis |
Climbing Perch |
Crayfish Common |
Crayfish Electric Blue |
Crayfish Orange |
Danio Celestial Pearl Galaxy Rasbora |
Danio Cheladadi Borgjorie Orange Flying Danio |
Danio Giant |
Danio Glow Light |
Danio Gold Zebra longfin |
Danio Zebra longfin |
Discus Albino Blue Mercury 5" |
Discus Golden Pigeon Snakeskin |
Discus Heckel Cross 5"+ |
Discus Penang Eruption |
Discus Rose Red |
Discus Super Red Cover 5" |
Discus Tiger Snakeskin |
Discus White Butterfly 4.5 |
Eel Fire 10" |
Eel Fire 6" |
Elephant Nose |
Endler Green Razor |
Endler Tuxedo |
Frog African Clawed Frog Albino and Golden |
Frog African Dwarf |
Garra Rainbow |
Goby Stiphodon Snakeskin |
Goldfish Black Moor small |
Goldfish Calico Oranda |
Goldfish Fantail |
Goldfish Oranda small |
Goldfish Pearlscale XL Imported Premium |
Goldfish Red & White Ryukin premium |
Goldfish red and white ryukin premium small |
Goldfish Red Head Red Tail Ranchu large |
Goldfish Red Telescope large |
Gourami Blue Fin Red Flame Paradise |
Gourami Blue Fire Dwarf |
Gourami Blue Paradise large |
Gourami Blue Trichogaster Trichopterus |
Gourami Chocolate |
Gourami Gold Honey Dwarf |
Gourami Imperial Dwarf male |
Gourami Moonlight |
Gourami Neon Turquoise Dwarf |
Gourami Sparkling |
Guppy Dumbo Ear grade A |
Guppy Gold Flame male |
Guppy Green Multicolor male |
Guppy Micariff Sunset male |
Guppy Pink Tuxedo male |
Guppy Powder Blue male |
Guppy Red Delta male |
Guppy Snow White male |
Guppy Tuxedo Koi pairs |
Hatchetfish Marble |
Hatchetfish Silver |
Highfin Spotted Knight Goby BRACKISH |
Killifish Clown |
Killifish Red Panchax |
Killifish Yellow Panchax Golden Wonder |
Leafish Leopard Ctenopoma tank raised |
Leporinus Clown Spotted |
Leporinus Strawberry |
Live food Black Worms |
Live food brine |
Live food feeder shrimp |
Live Food Trout Worms |
Loach Botia Sidthmunki dwarf |
Loach Clown LARGE |
Loach Clown medium |
Loach Hillstream Spotted Gastromyzon Punctulatus |
Loach Kuhli |
Loach Kuhli XL |
Loach Pygmy Kuhli |
Loach Yo Yo |
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Blue |
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Orange |
Minnow Gold White Cloud |
Minnow White Cloud |
Molly Creamsicle Lyretail |
Molly Gold Dust |
Molly Marble Sphenop |
Molly Sailfin Marble pairs |
Molly Sailfin Pairs Black |
Molly Sailfin Pairs Sunburst |
Molly Silver Lyretail |
Mollys assorted |
Ornate Climbing Perch Microctenopoma Ansorgi |
Parrot Bloody |
Parrotfish Platinum small |
Parrotfish Polar Blue small |
Pearl Danios |
Pencilfish Diptail |
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii Variegated |
Plant Amazon Sword Mother potted |
Plant Anubias Afzelii potted |
Plant Anubias Barteri on Driftwood |
Plant Anubias Frazeri |
Plant Anubias Gigantea |
Plant Bacopa Caroliniana Yellow Flame |
Plant Bolbitis Hetroclita water fern |
Plant Cryptocryne Lutea |
Plant Cryptocryne Spiralis potted |
Plant Dwarf Hairgrass potted |
Plant Dwarf Sagittaria |
Plant Floating Salvinia |
Plant Guppy Grass |
Plant Hygrophila Corymbosa Parawitota |
Plant Hygrophila Salicifolia |
Plant Hygrophila Siamensis |
Plant Jungle Vallisneria |
Plant Ludwigia Palustris Triple Red |
Plant Ludwigia Repens |
Plant Micro Sword Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis potted |
Plant Microsorium Java Fern |
Plant Pogostemon Erectus |
Plant Potted Amazon Sword Mother Pot XL |
Plant Red Cryptocoryn Wendtii |
Plant Red Tiger Lotus |
Plant Rotala H'Ra |
Plant Rotala Rotundifolia Red |
Plant Rotala Small Leaf Macandra |
Plant Water Lettuce |
Plants Duckweed |
Plants Java Fern |
Platy assorted |
Platy Imperial Gold Mickeymouse |
Platy Imperial Red Mickeymouse |
Platy Imperial Sunburst |
Platy Imported Tricolor |
Platy Rainbow imported |
Platy Red Tuxedo |
Platy Sunset Highfin |
Platy Tiger Ruby |
Pleco Albino Bushynose small |
Pleco Atabapo |
Pleco Black Bristlenose 5" |
Pleco Blue Eyed Albino Bristlenose 2" |
Pleco Blue Phantom L128 large |
Pleco Bristlenose |
Pleco Bristlenose Albino |
Pleco Calico Ancistrus |
Pleco Clown |
Pleco Common small |
Pleco Dracula 6" |
Pleco Green Phantom Highfin Pleco large |
Pleco Green Phantom L200 5" |
Pleco L-056 Chubby Yellow and Black 9" |
Pleco Longfin Albino Ancistrus |
Pleco Longfin Lemon Drop Blue Eye Ancistrus L144 |
Pleco Panaqolus Alenquer Tiger Pleco L397 |
Pleco Royal 4" |
Pleco Snowball |
Pleco Super Red Ancistrus large |
Pleco Vietnamese Gold Ring |
Pleco Violet Bruno L-137 |
Polypterus Albino Bichir |
Polypterus Ornatipinnis Ornate Bichir 3" |
Polypterus Ornatipinnis Ornate Bichir 8" |
Puffer BRACKISH Green Spotted |
Puffer Bumble Bee freshwater |
Puffer Figure 8 freshwater |
Puffer freshwater Dwarf Pea |
Puffer freshwater Fahaka large |
Rainbow Australian |
Rainbow Blue Eye Red Neon Rainbow |
Rainbow Blue Eye Signifier |
Rainbow Boesmani Aves Creek small |
Rainbow Boesmani male large |
Rainbow Chilatherina Alleni Wapogo Red Form small |
Rainbow fish Boesmani |
Rainbow Kali Tawa Dwarf |
Rainbow Lacustris Turquoise |
Rainbow Madagascar |
Rainbow Parkinsoni XL pairs |
Rainbow Praecox |
Rainbow Spotted Blue Eye Gertrudae |
Rainbow Threadfin |
Rainbowfish Emerald pairs large |
Rainbowfish Yellow pairs |
Rasbora Chili |
Rasbora Dwarf Emerald Erythromicron |
Rasbora Galaxy Celestial Pearl Danio |
Rasbora Gold Head Purple Harlequin |
Rasbora Harlequin |
Rasbora Kubotai (micro) |
Rasbora Scissortail |
Ropefish |
Shark Redtail Black |
Shrimp Amano small |
Shrimp Amano XL |
Shrimp Atya Vampire |
Shrimp Bamboo |
Shrimp Caridina Black and White Crystal |
Shrimp Caridina Blueberry |
Shrimp Caridina Red & White Crystal Grade S |
Shrimp Caridinia Bumble Bee (freshwater) |
Shrimp Ghost |
Shrimp Neocardina Red Rili |
Shrimp Neocaridina Blue Sapphire |
Shrimp Neocaridina Cherry |
Shrimp Neocaridina Orange Rili |
Shrimp Neocaridina Orange Sunkist |
Shrimp Neocaridina Yellow Banana |
Shrimp Neocaridina Yellow Fire |
Siamese Algae Eater |
Silver Dollar large |
Silver Dollar Tiger Stripe |
Snail Assassin |
Snail Blue Mystery |
Snail Gold Mystery |
Snail Green Nerite |
Snail Military Helmet Nerite |
Snail Yellow Rabbit |
Snail Zebra Nerite |
Sword Black |
Sword Florida Blood |
Sword Red and White Koi |
Swords Black imported |
Swords Red Highfin |
Swordtail assorted |
Tetra Black Emperor |
Tetra Black Skirt High Fin |
Tetra Bleeding Heart |
Tetra Brass (Gold) |
Tetra Buenos Aires |
Tetra Candy Cane |
Tetra Cardinal |
Tetra Congo |
Tetra Diamond |
Tetra Electric Blue Red Fin |
Tetra Ember Red |
Tetra Emperor |
Tetra Glo Pristella Orange |
Tetra Glow Fish Tetra Pink Blue Red Purple |
Tetra Glowlight |
Tetra Gold Neon |
Tetra Green Fire |
Tetra Longfin Serpae |
Tetra Neon |
Tetra Penguin |
Tetra Pristella |
Tetra Rainbow Lacortei |
Tetra Rummynose |
Freshwater Stock List 6/2/2023
Jun 2nd 2023