African Clawed Frog Golden |
Angel Gold Diamond XL |
Angel Gold Marble large |
Angel Koi small |
Angel Large Amazon Wild |
Angel Platinum medium |
Angel Red Devil small/medium |
Angel XL Veil |
Angel Zebra Lace small |
Angelfish XL Black |
Angelfish XL Koi |
Angelfish XL Marble |
Angelfish XL Zebra Lace |
Angels assorted small |
Arrowana Silver 5" |
Axolotl 3" Leucistic |
Axolotl 4" Albino Golden Albino Wild |
Axolotl 4" GFP Golden GFP Wild |
Axolotl Copper Axanthic 7" |
Axolotl Wild Type 6-7" |
Bala Tricolor Shark 4" |
Barb 5 Stripe Lineatus |
Barb Black Ruby |
Barb Cherry |
Barb Drapefin |
Barb Dwarf Golden |
Barb melon |
Barb Odessa male large |
Barb Tiger large |
Betta Black Orchid Crowntail male |
Betta Black Plakat PAIR |
Betta Giant / King male |
Betta Halfmoon Rosetail male |
Betta Hellboy Plakat male |
Betta Koi female |
Betta Koi Nemo female |
Betta Tangerine male |
Bettal male Halfmoon |
Bichir Albino Ornate Bichir |
Bichir Albino Polypterus Senegalus |
Bichir Polypterus Endlicheri 4" |
Black Shark |
Bumble Bee Goby |
Catfish Banjo |
Catfish Bumble Bee |
Catfish Corydora Albino |
Catfish Corydora Arcuatus (Skunk) |
Catfish Corydora Aspidoras Spilotus (rare dwarf) |
Catfish Corydora False Julii |
Catfish Corydora Gold Laser tank raised |
Catfish Corydora Green |
Catfish Corydora Hasbrosus Pygmy |
Catfish Corydora Melanistus |
Catfish Corydora Paleatus |
Catfish Corydora Red large |
Catfish Corydora Sterbai |
Catfish Corydoras Metae |
Catfish Glass |
Catfish Spotted Raphael |
Catfish Striped Raphael |
Catfish Synodontis Eupterus |
Catfish Synodontis Piedratus |
Catfish Upside Down |
Catfish Whiptail |
Cichild Midas JUMBO |
Cichild Ruby Green Haplochromis |
Cichlid Apistogramma Agassizii Gold Flash |
Cichlid Apistogramma Noberty |
Cichlid Black Altolamprologus Calvus |
Cichlid Black German Ram |
Cichlid Black Tiger Badis |
Cichlid Blood Red Jewel |
Cichlid Blue Convict |
Cichlid Bolivian Red Belly |
Cichlid Cardango |
Cichlid Chailosi |
Cichlid Cherry Red Zebra |
Cichlid Chocolate Small |
Cichlid Cobalt Blue Zebra |
Cichlid Curvicepts 3" |
Cichlid Daffodil Neolamprologus Brichardi |
Cichlid Deep Water Hap Electra |
Cichlid Demasoni |
Cichlid Dwarf Pike |
Cichlid Electric Blue Haplochromis |
Cichlid Fenestratus |
Cichlid Fire Mouth Meeki |
Cichlid Geophagus Cupido |
Cichlid Geophagus Winemilleri 5" |
Cichlid Green Terror XL |
Cichlid Haitan aka Black Nasty |
Cichlid Hap Obliquedens small |
Cichlid Haplochromis Moorii Large male |
Cichlid Haplochromis Moorii medium (blue dolphin) |
Cichlid Haplochromis Obliquiden |
Cichlid Highfin Lyretail Gold Ram |
Cichlid Jack Dempsey 1" |
Cichlid Jewel Pike 6" |
Cichlid Kribensis |
Cichlid Kribensis Wild Berry |
Cichlid Labeotropheus Trewavasae |
Cichlid Leleupi |
Cichlid M. Fainzilberi Hongi Island |
Cichlid Motoguense Cichlid False Yellow Jacket |
Cichlid Neolamprologus Brichardi |
Cichlid Nicaraguense |
Cichlid OB Compressicepts XL |
Cichlid OB Fulleborni small |
Cichlid OB Marmalade |
Cichlid Oscar Albino Tiger 3" |
Cichlid Oscar Lemon 3" |
Cichlid Oscar Super Red |
Cichlid Oscar Wild 1" |
Cichlid Otopharynx Tetrastigma |
Cichlid P. Taeniatus male Njanje |
Cichlid Peach Zebra large |
Cichlid Peacock Albino Strawberry |
Cichlid Peacock Apache |
Cichlid Peacock Blue |
Cichlid Peacock female small medium large |
Cichlid Peacock Jacobfreidbergi |
Cichlid Peacock Lemon |
Cichlid Peacock OB |
Cichlid Peacock Orange Shoulder large |
Cichlid Peacock Sulfer Head |
Cichlid Pink Convict |
Cichlid Polar Blue Parrot XL |
Cichlid Ram German Black |
Cichlid Ram German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Gold |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail Gold |
Cichlid Red Aequidens 3" |
Cichlid Red Empress large |
Cichlid Red Spot Gold Severum |
Cichlid Red Top Cobalt |
Cichlid Severum Super Red |
Cichlid Texas |
Cichlid Trimac 2" |
Cichlid Turquoise Efaciatus Severum |
Cichlid Uaru tank raised |
Cichlid Venustrus |
Climbing Perch |
Climbing Perch Ornate Ctenopoma Ansorgi |
Crayfish Electric Blue |
Crayfish Orange Ghost |
Crayfish Papua Zebra White Tip 4" |
Dalmation Molly |
Danio Cheladadi Borgjorie Orange Flying Danio |
Danio Giant |
Danio Glow Light |
Discus BREEDING PAIR Albino Blue Mercury 5" and Royal Blue Scorpion 5" |
Discus Fuji Red 4" |
Discus Golden Checkerboard Pigeon 5" |
Discus Golden Crystal 4.5" |
Discus Heckel Cross 5"+ |
Discus Leopard Snakeskin 4" |
Discus Maze Turquoise 5" |
Discus Neon Sapphire 4" |
Discus Orange Marlboro 4.5" |
Discus Red Eagle 4" |
Discus Rossa Merah 3" |
Discus Royal Blue Scorpion 5" |
Discus Snow White 5" |
Discus Super Red Cover 5" |
Discus White Butterfly 4.5 |
Discus White Tiger Turquoise 4" |
Dwarf Mexican Lobster blue |
Eel Fire 4" |
Eel Snowflake Moray 12" (brackish, evenually salt) |
Eel Tire Track |
Eel Tire Track 7" |
Eel Yellow Tail 3" |
Eel Zebra Spiney large |
Elephant Nose |
Endler female |
Endler Red Scarlet male |
Endler Yellow Tiger |
Endlers Black Flame pairs |
Flagtail Prochelodus 5" |
Frog African Dwarf |
Gar Mosaic |
Goby Stiphodon Snakeskin |
Gold Algae Eater |
Goldfish Blue Oranda |
Goldfish Calico Oranda |
Goldfish Domestic Black Moor |
Goldfish Imperial Red Cap Oranda |
Goldfish Panda Oranda |
Goldfish Ranchu Lionhead |
Goldfish Red and White Oranda |
Goldfish Red Cap Telescope |
Goldfish White Oranda |
Gourami Blue Fin Red Flame Paradise |
Gourami Blue Fire dwarf |
Gourami Blue Paradise Gourami |
Gourami Cobalt Dwarf |
Gourami Gold Honey Dwarf |
Gourami Imperial Dwarf male |
Gourami Nagyi Licorice |
Gourami Neon Dwarf large |
Gourami thick lip |
Guppy Blue Cobra male and female |
Guppy Endler Black Flame pairs |
Guppy Female assorted |
Guppy Flamingo Tuxedo male |
Guppy German Sunset |
Guppy German Yellow male |
Guppy Pink Custard male |
Guppy Rainbow male |
Guppy Snow White |
Guppy Sunray male |
Guppy Turquoise Bluetail Guppy |
Hatchet Marble |
Hatchet Pygmy |
Highfin Spotted Knight Goby BRACKISH |
Killifish Clown |
Killifish Red Panchax |
Killifish Yellow Panchax Golden Wonder |
Knifefish Black Ghost |
Knifefish Clown Knife 4" |
Leopard Ctenopoma Leafish |
Leporinus Clown Spotted |
Leporinus Strawberry |
Loach Black Kuhli Loach |
Loach Botia Lohachata Yo Yo |
Loach Botia Sidthmunki Pygmy |
Loach Clown large |
Loach Clown medium |
Loach Gold Dojo |
Loach Hillstream Butterfly |
Minnow Gold White Cloud |
Minnow White Cloud |
Molly 24 karat |
Molly Black Lyretail |
Molly Creamsicle Lyretail |
Molly Leopard Balloon |
Molly Red Calico |
Molly Sailfin Pairs |
Mudskippers |
Ornate Climbing Perch Microctenopoma Ansorgi |
Parrot Polar Blue 3" |
Parrotfish Platinum Parrot |
Parrotfish Platinum small |
Parrotfish Polar Blue small |
Pencilfish Diptail |
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii |
Plant Anubias Barteri Broadleaf potted |
Plant Anubias Nana Petite |
Plant Baby Tears Micranthemum Umbrosum |
Plant Bacopa Yellow Flame |
Plant Dwarf Sag |
Plant Floating Salvinia |
Plant Four Leaf Clover |
Plant Hygrophila Corymbosa Compacta |
Plant Java Fern |
Plant Java Moss |
Plant Lace Java Fern |
Plant Ludwigia Inclinata |
Plant Ludwigia Palustris Triple Red |
Plant Mayaca Sellowiniana |
Plant Mayaca Vandelli |
Plant Micro Sword Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis potted |
Plant mixed foreground plants |
Plant Potted Amazon Sword Mother Pot XL |
Plant Potted Green Ozelot Sword mother |
Plant Red Root Floaters |
Plant Red Tiger Lotus Bulb |
Plant Rotala Rotundifolia |
Plant Rotala Small Leaf Macrandra |
Plants Banana |
Plants Crypt Lucens |
Plants Crypt Parva |
Plants Duckweed |
Plants Hygrophila Corymbosa Parawitota |
Plants Java Fern |
Platy Imported Blue Painted |
Platy Imported Neon Sunburst |
Platy Mickey Mouse Blue, Gold, Neon |
Platy Neon Coral |
Platy Neon Redtail Imperial |
Plece Blue Phantom L128 |
Pleco Albino Longfin Bristlenose |
Pleco Atabo |
Pleco Black Bristlenose male 5" |
Pleco Clown |
Pleco Common small |
Pleco False Zebra |
Pleco Golden Vampire L-172a |
Pleco Green Phantom 6" |
Pleco L-056 Chubby Yellow and Black 9" |
Pleco Long Fin Blue Eye Lemon 2" |
Pleco Long Fin Calico Bristlenose small |
Pleco Mustard L031 large |
Pleco Snowball |
Pleco Spotted Sailfin 14" |
Pleco Super Red Bristlenose |
Pleco Violet Bruno L-137 |
Puffer BRACKISH Green Spotted |
Puffer freshwater Dwarf Pea |
Puffer freshwater Fahaka large |
Rainbow Australian |
Rainbow Blue Eye Signifier |
Rainbow fish Boesmani |
Rainbow fish Lacustris Turquoise |
Rainbow fish Red |
Rainbow fish Yellow |
Rainbow Praecox |
Rainbow Shark |
Rainbow Spotted Blue Eye Gertrudae |
Rainbow Threadfin |
Rasbora Chili |
Rasbora Galaxy Celestial Pearl Danio |
Rasbora Kubotai (micro) |
Rice Fish Daisy Oryzias Wowarae |
Ropefish |
Shark Albino Iridescent 5" |
Shark Bala large |
Shark Bala small |
Shark Iridescent tank raised 5" |
Shrimp Amano Japonica Algae |
Shrimp Bamboo 3" |
Shrimp Cardina Black and White Crystal |
Shrimp Cardina Red & White Crystal |
Shrimp Caridina Black & White Crystal |
Shrimp Caridina Blueberry |
Shrimp Caridina Red & White Crystal |
Shrimp Ghost |
Shrimp Neocardina Cherry |
Shrimp Neocardina Orange Sunkist |
Shrimp Neocardinia Snow Ball |
Siamese Algae Eater |
Silver Dollar large |
Silver Dollar Tiger Stripe |
Snail Blue Mystery |
Snail Gold Mystery |
Snail Mystery Black |
Snail Mystery Ivory |
Snail Yellow Rabbit |
Snail Zebra Nerite |
Striped |
Swords Assorted Florida male |
Swords Lyretail assorted |
Swords Lyretail Imperial Red |
Swordtail Florida Blood |
Tetra Black Emperor |
Tetra Black Neon |
Tetra Black Skirt High Fin |
Tetra Bloodfin |
Tetra Blue Emperor |
Tetra Blue Eye |
Tetra Buenos Aires |
Tetra Candy Cane |
Tetra Cardinal medium |
Tetra Congo female |
Tetra Diamond |
Tetra Electric Blue Red Fin |
Tetra Ember Red |
Tetra Emperor |
Tetra Glo Pristella Green, Orange, Purple |
Tetra Glow Fish Tetra Pink Blue Green Red Purple |
Tetra Glowlight |
Tetra Gold Congo |
Tetra Gold Neon |
Tetra Golden Argenteus XL |
Tetra Green Fire |
Tetra High Fin Blushing |
Tetra Neon |
Tetra Penguin |
Tetra Pristella |
Tetra Rummynose |
Freshwater Stock List 2/24/2023
Feb 24th 2023