African Butterfly Fish |
Angelfish Albino Dantum small |
Angelfish Black large |
Angelfish Black Marble Veiltail small |
Angelfish Blue Israeli medium |
Angelfish Blue Snakeskin medium |
Angelfish Gold Diamond XL |
Angelfish Koi orange tricolor large |
Angelfish Koi orange tricolor small |
Angelfish Leopard medium |
Angelfish Leopard small |
Angelfish Platinum medium |
Angelfish Zebra Lace XL |
Arowana Silver small |
Arrowana Silver 4" |
Axolotl 3" GFP Melanoid, Wild Type |
Axolotl 3" Leucistic (1 available) |
Axolotl 4" Wild Type, Wild Type GFP |
Barb Albino Cherry |
Barb Black Ruby |
Barb Cherry |
Barb Highfin African |
Barb Neon Rosy male |
Barb Odessa |
Barb Tiger |
Betta Dumbo Ear male |
Betta female Crowntail |
Betta female Crowntail |
Betta female Dumbo Ear |
Betta female Halfmoon |
Betta female Koi Plakat |
Betta Full Moon Koi male |
Betta Grade A Koi Plakat male |
Betta White Elephant Ear male |
Betta Yellow Hellboy |
Brackish Green Spotted Puffer |
Brackish Highfin Spotted Knight Goby |
Catfish Corydora Albino |
Catfish Corydora Albino Sterbai |
Catfish Corydora Black Venezuelan |
Catfish Corydora Gold Green large |
Catfish Corydora Gold Laser CW-010 |
Catfish Corydora Julii |
Catfish Corydora Paleatus |
Catfish Corydora Panda |
Catfish Corydora Pygmy Hastatus |
Catfish Corydora Skunk XL |
Catfish Corydora Sterbai |
Catfish Farlowella |
Catfish Four Line Pimadella |
Catfish Hoplo Albino Spotted |
Catfish Otocinclus |
Catfish Spotted Raphael |
Catfish Striped Raphael |
Catfish Synodontis Eupterus XL |
Cichild Red Exul Jewel |
Cichlid Acara Electric Blue |
Cichlid Acei Yellow Tail |
Cichlid African Cichlid fry |
Cichlid Apistogramma Agassizi neon Blue |
Cichlid Apistogramma cacatuoides orange flash |
Cichlid Apistogramma Calamar |
Cichlid Apistogramma Guaviare |
Cichlid Chepokii |
Cichlid Chocolate small |
Cichlid Electric Blue Jack Dempsey |
Cichlid Electric Blue Johanni |
Cichlid Festivum tank raised |
Cichlid Flowerhorn Kamfa grade A small |
Cichlid Frontosa Black Widow |
Cichlid Frontosa Blue Gibberosa |
Cichlid Geophagus Gephium |
Cichlid Geophagus Heckelii Albino |
Cichlid Geophagus Sveni 6" |
Cichlid Green Terror 3" |
Cichlid Green Terror XL |
Cichlid Hap Ahli OB |
Cichlid Hap Electric Blue |
Cichlid Hap Moorii Large male |
Cichlid Hap VC-10 |
Cichlid Hap VC-10 XL male |
Cichlid Haplochromis Ahli large |
Cichlid Haplochromis sp CH44 (proven breeding trio) |
Cichlid Jewel |
Cichlid Keyhole |
Cichlid Kribensis |
Cichlid Kribensis Albino small |
Cichlid Krobia Xiango rare! |
Cichlid Labiotropheus Trewavasae fry |
Cichlid Malawi OB Masingi Zebra |
Cichlid Mbuna Cynotilapia Edwardi |
Cichlid Mbuna Gold Kwanga Zebra |
Cichlid Mbuna Psuedotropheus Auratus female |
Cichlid Mbuna Red Top Afra |
Cichlid Mbuna Snow White Socolofi small |
Cichlid Mbuna Yellow Labidoshromis small |
Cichlid Nanacara Adekota Zebra Acara |
Cichlid Oscar Albino Red Tiger 5" |
Cichlid Oscar Lemon Yellow 3" |
Cichlid Peacock Albino OB |
Cichlid Peacock Albino Strawberry |
Cichlid Peacock Apache |
Cichlid Peacock Dragon Blood |
Cichlid Peacock Electric Blue |
Cichlid Peacock female assorted sizes and colors |
Cichlid Peacock Orange Shoulder |
Cichlid Peacock Red Empress male |
Cichlid Peacock Red OB |
Cichlid Peacock Taiwan Reef |
Cichlid Peacock White Knight |
Cichlid Peacock Yellow Lemon large male |
Cichlid Peacock Yellow OB |
Cichlid Pike Johanni Red |
Cichlid Pike Venezuelan Red Fire large |
Cichlid Rainbow |
Cichlid Ram Bolivian Red Belly |
Cichlid Ram Electric Blue |
Cichlid Ram German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail German Blue |
Cichlid Ram Highfin Lyretail Gold |
Cichlid Red Exul Jewel |
Cichlid Red Head Synspillium 3" |
Cichlid Red Tiger 3" |
Cichlid Scarlet Badis |
Cichlid Starry Night Paratilapia polleni |
Cichlid Sunflower Labidochromis |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Altolamprologus Calvus |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Daffodil Brichardi |
Cichlid Tanganyikan Lamp. Mustax |
Cichlid Texas small |
Cichlid Trimac |
Cichlid True Parrot XL |
Cichlid Uaru |
Cichlid Venustus small |
Crayfish Common |
Crayfish Electric Blue |
Danio Giant |
Danio Gold Zebra Longfin |
Danio Longfin Zebra |
Danio Orange Flying |
Danio Pearl |
Danio Zebra |
Discus Albino Blue Diamond 5" |
Discus Blue Diamond 4" |
Discus German Red Turquoise 5" |
Discus Giant Flora 5" |
Discus Maze Leopard 5"+ |
Discus Penang Eruption 5" |
Discus Rose Red 6" |
Discus Super Checkerboard Pigeon 4.5" |
Discus Tiger Snakeskin 4" |
Discus Tiger Turquiose 4.5" |
Discus White Diamond 4" |
Discus Yellow Marlboro 4" |
Eel Zebra Spiny |
Eel Zig Zag |
Endler Red Scarlet |
Endlers Yellow Tiger |
Flagtail Prochilodus 4" |
Flagtail Prochilodus med/lg |
Frog African Clawed small |
Frog African Dwarf |
Frog African Dwarf blonde |
Garra Pedigarra |
Garra Rainbow |
Glofish Danio Green |
Glow Fish Skirt Tetra Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow |
Goby Bumble Bee |
Goldfish Calico Ryukin |
Goldfish Panda Oranda |
Goldfish Ranchu Lionhead |
Goldfish Red and Black Oranda |
Goldfish Red and Black Pearlscale |
Goldfish Yan Bao Oranda large |
Gourami Dwarf Imperial male |
Gourami Imperial Dwarf |
Gourami Kissing |
Gourami Neon Dwarf Turquoise |
Gudgeon Australian Sunburst |
Guppy Dumbo Ear male Grade A |
Guppy Endler |
Guppy female assorted |
Guppy Flamingo Tuxedo |
Guppy German Blue |
Guppy Kohaku Red Golden pairs |
Guppy Lemon Cobra |
Guppy Moscow Blue male |
Guppy Moscow Green male |
Guppy Neon Tiger pairs |
Guppy Panda male |
Guppy Snow White male |
Guppy Yellow Tuxedo |
Hatchetfish Marble |
Killifish Lineatus |
Killifish Yellow Panchax Golden Wonder |
Leafish Leopard Ctenopoma |
Leafish Leopard Ctenopoma |
Leporinus Clown Spotted |
Live Food Black Worms |
Live Food Brine Shrimp |
Live Food Trout Worms |
Loach Clown |
Loach Dojo 4" |
Loach Hillstream |
Loach Kuhli |
Loach Panda |
Loach Yo-Yo |
Lobster Mexican Dwarf Orange |
Minnow Gold White Cloud |
Molly 24 karat |
Molly assorted |
Molly Creamsicle Lyretail |
Molly Dalmation |
Molly Sailfin pairs Marble, Sunburst |
Newts Crocatus |
Parrotfish Platinum |
Parrotfish Polar Blue |
Pencilfish Diptail |
Pencilfish Redfin Golden |
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii Regular |
Plant Alternanthera Reineckii Variegated |
Plant Amazon Sword mother |
Plant Anubias Frazeri mother |
Plant Baby Tears |
Plant Bacopa Caroliniana Yellow Flame |
Plant Banana |
Plant Cryptocoryne Lutea |
Plant Echinodorus Decumbens |
Plant Floating Moss Ball |
Plant Hygrophila Cordata Red |
Plant Hygrophila Stricta |
Plant Java Fern |
Plant Java Fern |
Plant Java Moss on tree |
Plant Marimo Moss Ball |
Plant Mayaca Vandelli |
Plant Monnieri Moneywort |
Plant Pellia Seaweed Subwassertang |
Plant Red Root Floaters |
Plant Red Tiger Lotus |
Plant Rotala Macrandra Small Leaf |
Plant Rotala Rotundifolia Red |
Plant Water Wysteria |
Platy assorted, bumble bee, Ruby Tiger |
Platy Highfin assorted colors |
Pleco Albino Bristlenose |
Pleco Atabapo |
Pleco Blue Eyed Bristlenose small |
Pleco Blue Phantom |
Pleco Clown |
Pleco Common Large |
Pleco False Zebra |
Pleco Gold Nugget L-018 3"-4" |
Pleco L35 Red Thresher Pleco |
Pleco Longfin Calico Bushynose small |
Pleco Mustard |
Pleco Peppermint L31 |
Pleco Red Ancistrus |
Pleco Snowball |
Pleco Starlight L213 |
Pleco Super Red Bristlenose pair |
Pleco White Seam Bristlenose L183 medium |
Polpterus Bichir Endlicheri |
Polypterus Ornatipinnis |
Polypterus Senegalus Bichir |
Puffer Amazon Bumble Bee |
Puffer Figure 8 |
Puffer Pea Dwarf |
Rainbow Blue Eye Forktail |
Rainbow Boesmani |
Rainbow Lacustris Turquoise XL 4.5" |
Rainbow Parkinsoni XL |
Rainbowfish Black Banded pairs |
Rasbora Galaxy Celestial Pearl Danio |
Rasbora Harlequin |
Rasbora Harlequin Purple Gold Head |
Ropefish |
Severum Gold Red Spot |
Severum Orange Shoulder |
Severum Red 3" |
Severum Red large |
Severum Turquoise Efasciatus 4" |
Shark Rainbow medium |
Shark Roseline Puntius Denasoni |
Shiner Red |
Shrimp Amano |
Shrimp Bamboo |
Shrimp Cardinia Black White Crystal |
Shrimp Cardinia RAccoon |
Shrimp Caridina Blueberry |
Shrimp Neocardinia Snowball |
Shrimp Neocaridinia Blue Sapphire |
Shrimp Neocaridinia Cherry |
Shrimp Neocaridinia Yellow Banana |
Shrimp Orange Rili |
Shrimp Vampire Atya |
Siamese Algae Eater |
Siamese Flying Fox |
Silver Dollar |
Snail Assassin |
Snail Mystery Purple, Blue, Gold |
Snail Nerite Red Onion |
Snail Nerite Zebra |
Snail Rabbit |
Snail Ramshorn red |
Swords Florida Blood |
Swordtail assorted |
Tetra Black Neon |
Tetra Black Skirt |
Tetra Bleeding Heart |
Tetra Brass |
Tetra Candy Cane |
Tetra Cardinal |
Tetra Congo |
Tetra Ember |
Tetra Emperor |
Tetra Glow Light |
Tetra Highfin Blushing |
Tetra Neon |
Tetra Penguin |
Tetra Pristella |
Tetra Red and Blue Colombian |
Tetra Red Phantom |
Tetra Rosy |
Tetra Rummynose |
Tetra Serpae |
Tetra Serpae Longfin |
Freshwater Stock List 12/22/23
Dec 22nd 2023